Shocking News! What you're about to discover has never been
revealed, shown or sold anywhere else...Get Your Hands On 25,000 Pages Of Ancient Masonic Secrets With
120 Rare Books On Freemasonry
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Secrets So Shocking That Masonic Lodges Have Threatened To Take This
Page Offline...

 | From:
Simon Gray, Freemason Date:

what you could do if you had access to a freemason's forbidden collection
of rare journals and texts. Imagine if these information were previously only
known to Master Masons of the highest order... How
much would this secret masonic resource be worth to you? If you're:-
member of the Masonic Order
- Seeking
to join a Masonic Lodge
- Someone
who is researching Freemasonry
- Simply
interested in Masonic philisophies and theories.
listen up closely as this might be the most important letter you'll ever read...
FACT: 99% of All Masons Will Die Without Knowing Any Of This... The
truth is, 99% of the mason will die without knowing what is really going on
at the top. These forbidden secrets are previously only available
to Master Masons belonging to the "higher degrees" such as the York
Rite and the Royal Order of Scotland...
his book 'Morals and Dogma' (accepted universally as 'the bible' of Freemasonry)
Pike admits: "Masonry like all religions, conceals its secrets from
all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect and uses false explanations
and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead; to conceal the Truth which
it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it. |
I've been a Freemason
for more than 25 years and I've spent the last 10 years of my life seeking the
truth - All the answers to questions I never dared asked... What
I've discovered completely shocked me. Trust me, this is unlike
anything you've ever seen before. Masonic Orders have kept this secret for years...
just to keep you away from discovering the lies and myths surrounding freemasonry!
So here it is ... Introducing
The "SecretsofMasons" Featuring The
World's Rarest Collection of 120
Out-Of-Print Books, Manuscripts & Journals
among the rare few to own this highly-exclusive
Ancient Secrets Compendium
|  | Single
Largest Collection Of Rare & Out Of Print Masonic, Freemason, Rosicrucian
& Knights Templar Books Ever Offered |
|  | 120+
RARE Books, Manuscripts, Texts, Masonic Journals with over 25,000 pages
of never seen before materials and illustrations... |  |
Featuring Books, Masonic Symbols, Secret Masonic Rituals, Novels, Manuscripts,
Manuals, Handbooks, Guides, Constitutions and More! |  | Plus
401 Masonic photographs, slides, posters, certificates, handbooks, postcards,
speeches and catalogue pages! |  | Years
of research went into the making of this collection. - Get never-before- published
images and seldom-seen documents to give you a privileged view of this elect brotherhood. |
carefully: If you're looking for rare & lost freemasonry & masonic
texts and journals, look no further. SecretsofMasons Ultimate Compendium provides
you with over 120 extremely rare documents, journals & books covering
freemasonry and the masonic knights templar. Quite
frankly, these documents aren't available anywhere else in the world and
are extremely hard to find. These information are previously only available
to Masons of the highest order.

gets even better because these books feature esoteric works, handbooks,
masonic regalia rituals, constitutions, historical works, centenials & celebrations,
rare periodicals, lectures, masonic lodges documents & plenty more. Most of
the materials offered here are complete documents, journals and books.
I Will Expose The Closely-Guarded Secrets Of The World's Oldest Secret
Society That Men Have Been Murdered For Revealing ... Here's
the scenario: Most books and resources that deal with Freemasonry information
are complete
garbage. They skip
over many important parts, or simply contain general re-hashed information.
truth is, I have spent a ton of time looking online and reading books. Most of
them just left me with more questions than answers. This collection blows
them away and here's why... SecretsofMasons
explores the darker side of Masonic conspiracies, murder, and world
manipulation. Step
inside the lodge, decode the secret symbols, the mason handshake, and delve into
the Masonic pagan rites, lodges, secret masonic rituals, covert cousins, and lies.
YOU be the judge as you get access and read the actual words of
Masonic ceremonies and oaths...
discover amazing revelations of a heretofore hidden fraternity that men
have been murdered by divulging. Let me lay it out for you... Here
are some of the secrets you'll discover:
|  | Ancient
masonic rituals that take place within the "lodge"... |
|  | Find
out if this secret "brotherhood" is really a religion or a cult? |  |
How was the Ark of the Covenant uncovered? What are the items
found inside of it? |  | Who
is buried facing the Ark underneath Solomon's Temple? |  | Discover
the true purpose of the great pyramids of Egypt |  | The
secret connection between Washington D.C and Freemasonry |  | What
was found inside the secret vault underneath the Sanctum Sanctorum in
Solomon's Temple? |  | Discover
the connection between the masonic order and the occult |  | The
mystery behind the cross of Jesus Christ. - Where was it discovered and was it
proven to be authentic? |  | Hidden
identities of historical Masonic members (who include George Washington, Benjamin
Franklin, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and George Bush) |  | Did
the Garden of Eden exist? Where is it in the modern world? |  |
Locations of famous Masonic sites in the modern world |  | Secrets
of masonic symbols, rings, handshakes, rituals and more... |
One thing I want you to be clear - Some of these materials are highly controversial
and downright shocking. You should only use this information
for personal education and with extreme caution. |
The Ultimate Treasure Trove of Masonic Knowledge Ever Created...
behind closed doors with unprecedented access to the secrets of the Masonic Order.
With over 120+ ultra
rare books, manuscripts and masonic journals, I will lay out the symbolism,
beliefs, and ethos of a Mason and address the considerable amounts of controversy
surrounding those practices...
should know that the Freemasons has been suspected for centuries of plotting
to overtake the world, accused of fomenting revolution, and reviled as devil worshippers
that stole King Solomon's treasure. The Freemasons claim they're merely
a civic-minded fraternity, bound together by harmless rituals. Which is closer
to the truth? You
discover the true role Freemasonry has played throughout history, its secrets
revealed, its purposes, the functions of its members, the detailed account of
its symbols, practices and the way in which it has helped shape our modern
society. But thats not
Highly Recommend This For Researchers or Freemasons
" |
 | | "Secrets
of Masons" is very revealing. It exposes some of the wonderful insiders secrets
about the Freemasons. I was intrigued by the collection of books and its captivating
chapters and | |
there is a gargantuan amount of insider's information here with over 130 out of
print books and journals. I especially loved the in-depth coverage on masonic
rings. I've been
a freemason for many years yet I'm still blown away by many of the information
revealed here. I
highly recommend that you purchase this if you're a researcher or a freemason. Roy Fleming San Francisco,
CA |
Is A List Of Some Of The Books Included ... |
- 1 The North
East Corner | -
2 Who Will Follow In Our Train? |
3 The History Of The Two Pillars | -
4 Freemasonry & The New Order | -
5 The Third Degree In Freemasonry Its Ornaments and Emblems |
- 6 The Pillars
Of Freemasonry Their Origin & Meaning | -
7 Masonry's Participation in the Spiritual and Psychological Reconstruction of
Those Serving & who Have Served in the Armed Forces |
- 8 Fundamental
Philosophic Secrets Within Masonry | -
9 Solomon The Founder Of The Temple | -
10 Confusion Is Upon Us | -
11 The Place Of Religion In Freemasonry | -
12 The Meaning of Masonry A Lecture | -
13 Mithraism Freemasonry and the ancient mysteries | -
14 Annihilation Of Freemasonry Study | -
15 The Apron, The Golden Bowl & The Silver Cord | -
16 The Story Of Hiram Abiff | -
17 The Ministry of Masonry | -
18 The Lodge & Its Furniture | -
19 Pythagoras & The Ancient Mysteries | -
20 Masonic Convivialities | -
21 A Program for Peace in an Industrial Age | -
22 Philosophy Of Masonry | -
23 Masonic Legends | -
24 The Romance of Freemasonry | -
25 The Influence Of Men On Masonry | -
26 A Lecture On The Various Rituals Of Freemasonry From The 12th Century |
- 27 A Bunch
Of Keys - Freemason Illuminati | -
28 Freemasonry & Social England In the 18th Century |
- 29 I Saw
A Footprint In The Sand | -
30 Masonic Education and Masonic Rings | -
31 Freemasons Lodges Among French Prisoners Of War | -
32 King Solomon's Temple and the Story of the Third Degree |
- 33 The Church's
Debt To Freemasonry | -
34 The Masonic Order of Chivalry known as the Knights Templar |
- 35 Anderson's
Constitutions of 1723 | -
36 Some Deeper Aspects of Masonic Symbolism | -
37 Growth & Service Of The Fellowcraft Degree | -
38 The Origin of Freemasonry - Freemason Society | -
39 Rudyard Kipling and Freemasonry | -
40 Gold, Silver, Brass & Iron, The Four Masonic Values In The Euclid Lodge
| -
41 The Philosophy Of Masonry | -
42 Freemasonry & The Leaders Of Victorian England | -
43 Freemasonry From AD 1600 To The Grand Lodge Era A Sketch Of The Transition
Period | -
44 Communism and Freemasonry | -
45 Possibilities & Means Of Reconciliation Between The Various Masonic Powers
Of The World | -
46 - Our Ritual - Origin of Freemasonry | -
46 - Freemasonry History, Lodges and Degrees | -
47 The Duty of the Master In the Government of a Masonic Lodge |
- 48 Desagulier
and The March of Militant Masonry | -
49 The Templar Orders In Freemasonry, An Historical Consideration of their Origin
and development | -
50 Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins | -
51 Items for Masonic Lodge Bulletins | -
52 The Dream Of The Ages | -
53 The Arcane Schools | -
54 The Masonic Manual - Pocket Companion For The Initiated |
- 55 Morals
& Dogma Of The Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Of Freemasonry |
- 56 Masonic
Ritual and Monitor | -
57 The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry |
- 58 The Secret
Teachings Of All The Ages | -
59 The Symbolism Of Freemasonry | -
60 Secret Ritual Questions | -
61 The Lodge (Wine) Steward | -
62 The Working Tools Of An Old Master | -
63 The Drummer & The Secret Handshake | -
64 Spurious Ecstasy & Ceremonial Magic | -
65 At the Sound of the Gavel | -
66 The Candidates Dream | -
67 Chaptors Of Masonic History | -
68 Mithraism: Freemasonry & The Ancient Mysteries | -
69 Secret Or Not Secret | -
70 Reason & Viseon | -
71 The Mystical Basis Of Freemasonry | -
72 Mason's Duty and Happiness | -
73 Freemasonry and Its Landmarks | -
74 The Symbolism of 1st Degree of Masonry | -
75 Symbolism, The Hiramic Legend, and the Master's Word |
- 76 What
Is Freemasonry | -
77 The Story Of Freemasonry | -
78 The Alter Of Freemasonry | -
79 Three Things I Know | -
80 Brother Mozard & The Magic Flute | -
81 The Albury Ms. The Static Lodge | -
82 The Mason's confession | -
83 The Wages of an Entered Apprentice | -
84 The Worshipfull Copany Of Masons & Its Connection With Freemasonry |
- 85 The Masons
Apron | -
86 The Doorway Of Freemasonry | -
87 Determining Recognition | -
88 Freemasonry and the Druids | -
89 The Ashlars & Freemason Handshake | -
90 Whence Come You? And Whither Are You Travelling | -
91 The Mason's Mallet | -
92 Speculative Philosophy, As Unfolded In A Search For A 4th Dimension |
- 93 Ancient
Religious Traditions & Symbols In Freemasonry | -
94 Towards the Sources of Freemasonry | -
95 The Globes & Secret Masonic Rituals | -
96 King Solomons Temple | -
97 The Ancient Scottish Craft & The 3rd Degree | -
98 Robert Burns - Freemason | -
99 An Explanation of the Third Degree Tracing Board | -
100 Report Of the Grand Historian | -
101 The Roots Of Ritualism In Church & Masonry | -
102 Sketch For The History Of The Dionysian Artificers | -
103 The Statutes for the Government of The Royal Exalted Religious and Military
Order of Masonic Knights Templar in England and Wales as Resolved and Agreed on
at the Grand Conclave | -
104 The Albury Ms. The Amalgamated Guild | -
105 Brothers & Builders: The Basis & Spirit Of Freemasonry |
- 106 The
Ceremony of Initiation Analysis and Commentary | -
107 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry | -
108 The Official Monitor | -
109 Ancient & Modern Initiation | -
110 The Meaning Of Masonry | -
111 Masonic Initiation | -
112 The Builders: A Story & Study Of Masonry | -
113 Illustrations Of Masonry | -
114 The Spirit Of Masonry | -
115 The Principles Of Masonic Law | -
116 The Ceremony of Passing | -
117 The Hidden Life in Freemasonry | -
& Much More Not Listed! |
But Don't Just Take Our Word For It. Listen To What Others Are Saying...
material is some of the best I've ever seen...
" |
 | | Simon,
your materials is some of the bet I've ever seen as a life-long historian on freemasonry.
If you are a Freemason, this offer a unique insight into many aspects of the Craft.
| | If
you are not a Freemason, but have an interest in what goes on in the Lodge you
will certainly gain some insight from this collection. SecretsofMasons is a
solid addition to your Masonic library. This
is, by far, the largest and most comprehensive freemasonary collection
I've ever seen. Martin Pollock Sea
Cliff, NY | |
couldn't sleep the entire night after reading the first 3 chapters." |
 | | "Simon,
the controversies and the secrets you've exposed kept me awake the entire night
after I've finished just the first 3 chapters. Simply amazing. The next day, I
went to | |
the local Masonic Temple to find out more. Since then, I have met tons of Freemasons
locally, from around the United States and the world. ...For
the serious Freemason or historian, seeking accurate information , this title
is the best one to have. If you can only have one item to buy, buy this one. Roy
Singer San Antonio,
TX | |
breadth of its content is amazing. Absolutely outstanding! " |
 | | "...there
is so much in the "SecretsofMasons Compendium" that it is difficult
to describe the breadth of its content, and yet for all its amazing content. Many
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includes great pictures and illustrations. For any Master Mason this is an essential
addition to his personal library and to that of the Lodge. An
absolutely outstanding collection!" Larry
Biggs Fairfax, VA |
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see, Ive helped over 200 educators, researchers and freemasons,
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if you only "scan" these documents once, your perception
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do I say this? Because once you read everything in this compendium, you'll instantly
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if that's not enough, you'll also be glad to know that I'm throwing in an time
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also receive the "Secrets of The Knight Templar" which will reveal the
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are they maintaining such a grip on the modern western imagination
will also learn the stations and duties of the all the degrees
conferred in the Royal Arch Chapter and Grand Encampment of Knights Templars...
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honestly believe this is the most powerful, intensive and massive collection of
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Buy this today. Try it out for a full 60 days. Pull
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Simon, How Much Will This Cost Me? Before
I tell you how to buy and answer your burning question of "how much?",
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Albert G. -Encyclopedia of Freemasonry Vol I. II - $265.00 Mackey,
Albert G. - A Lexicon of Freemasonry - $82.00 Manly
P. Hall - The Secret Teachings of All Ages - $49.99 Jeremy
Cross - The True Masonic Chart - $104.00 Macoy,
Robert - The Masonic Manual - $57.00 Gould,
Robert - The History of Freemasonry Vol. I-IV (Four Volumes) - $599.00
the math: It would cost over $1150 for
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2 day
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| Warmly,
Gray PS:
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You're A Freemason, Don't Walk. Run To Pick This Up! " |
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are a lot of good reasons to buy Simon's product. But the thing that really jumped
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am recommending it to all who come into my study circles. If
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Note: I'm so sure you'll be delighted, I'll even pay to ship to your door
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